How much money does the average American adult spend per year, trying to impress people? How much money did I spend last year, trying to impress people? Let’s say I went to a cabin in the woods where I wouldn’t see anyone for a month. How much money would I save?
- Makeup: I’d skip it.
- Clothing: I would wear old PJ’s at night, and torn sweat pants during the day.
- Hair: I wouldn’t style it or use any products.
Here’s a list of things you could save $$ on if you weren’t trying to impress people:
- Home improvement: Are granite countertops every really necessary?
- Car: do you need a shiny new car, or are you just trying to show off?
- Clothes: Are the $500 suit, and the $80 scarf, absolutely necessary?
- Hair: Do you need the dye jobs, hair products, and expensive shampoos?
- Skincare: Would it change the world if you become a lizard?
- Fine dining: Expensive restaurants are never necessary: you don’t need to eat at the fanciest restaurant!
- Beer – You should drink Natural Light! (hehe).
I found this article, nonessential spending. It argues that the average American spends $18,000 each year on nonessential spending!
According to this other article, The Grooming Gap, women on average spend $8 a day on skin products. They spend $225,000 over a lifetime on skin products and makeup. An informal poll of friends, however, indicates that most of them don’t spend nearly that much. I don’t, either. In 2019, I spend about $1,700 on hair, skincare and makeup combined, but that included haircuts. That $1,700, however, was more than I spent in 2019 on beer, wine, and restaurants, combined!
I dint want to be a lizard! Gonna order some more hooey now!