Last week, I went to the flagship Virginia Beach Dollar Tree and took the below photos. Then, yesterday, I went to the giant Dollar Tree in Zebulon, which is as big as a grocery store and usually has fun items. Alas, the Zebulon store disappointed me yesterday with a lot of empty spaces on the shelves, and nothing new to share. Luckily, I have these photos from a week ago to share. Enjoy!
Marshmallow Stuffed Puffs Big Bites. These are marshmallows stuffed with chocolate and candy. They were a little harder than I would have liked (definitely not gooey marshmallow), but still a good treat. I bought one container of chocolate lentils. I’d never heard of chocolate lentils before finding them at Dollar Tree. They were good. However, I’ve been learning how terrible chocolate is for the environment. For one thing, companies decimate the rainforest to grow cocoa. The rainforest land is actually not great for repeated farming, so it’s used once, depleted, and then they have to clear more rainforest to grow more cocoa. Furthermore, much of the farming is done by child labor. Look for Fair Trade Certified products if you want to do better for the world. I wish I could say I’ll do the right thing, but I probably won’t.More Valentine’s chocolate. Between blood diamonds and blood chocolate, celebrating love has never been more brutal.Get your Valentine a $1.00 card. They are nice cards.I saw this mini gel lamp at Dollar Tree. I have a nice gel lamp at home. However, I recently learned that the UV light from gel lamps does DNA damage. This is not surprising, since they are like mini tanning beds. I will still use it but in moderation.Beyond Meat vegan jerky! At least one purchase I can feel good about.I purchased a bag of 100% Whole Wheat bread. Small bag, but tasty. It has 60 calories, 2 grams of fiber, and 3 grams of protein per slice.There was a whole section of Body Armor drinks. These are great for hydrating after exercise.Chocolate rose. More love, more environmental destruction, more child labor. Yay, love!And finally Gnome decor. Everyone wants a gnome for their home.