Apologies: my pictures came out kind of blurry this week. Here we go:
This small bag of Moose Munch is a bargain! I’m not sure how much it should cost, but it’s at least a little bit of a bargain.Elmer Chocolate’s – they are chock full of low quality, gross, overly-chewy, laughable, nasty ingredients. A brand-new employee at a previous job once bought a box of these for the office at Christmas. She was like, “I wanted to thank all of you for your hospitality, so I got you a good box of chocolates.” She acted as if she’d pulled and Oprah and bought each of us a new car. She got fired a few weeks later. The moral of the story: don’t buy people shitty chocolates and act as if you got them something good.Slim pickings at Dollar Tree. But if you want artificially flavored imitation bacon bits, corn syrup solids, and soybean oil, this is your meal. Sadly it’s not vegan – it has milk.There are at least five different options for crackers and flavored meat.These wafer strawberry cookies look like they should be great. Instead, they were TERRIBLE! I’ve never had BAD wafer cookies before. I didn’t know it was possible, but Colombina pulled it off. Maybe they were too thin, too little icing, or the texture was wrong. I don’t know. But eat one of these cookies, and you won’t want to eat a second one. Thank you, Dollar Tree; you are prepared with icky Easter candy for the holidays. Easter is only 14 weeks away — you’d better be prepared!Speechless. Who was the lucky sweatshop laborer who got to hand-make these cards?Now, we’re talking. Now, if only Dollar Tree sold wine.
1 Reply to “Dollar Tree Dining #75”
Could it be that you’re running out if good products to feature? Thus is a sorry lit.
Could it be that you’re running out if good products to feature? Thus is a sorry lit.