The Dollar Tree in Raleigh is still $1.00 per item!
This is what I actually bought (I took many silly pictures in the meantime.)This was in the freezer section. I’m sure it would never make it to the oven. Yum!You can pretend it’s the 1980’s and Olive Garden is fancee!Jelly Belly seltzer water. It tastes like seltzer water.So many Jell-O’s, so little time.How does one choose between Spicy Brown and Downtown Spicy Brown?It’s Cap’n Crunch Berrytastic Pancake Mix! Big box! I was tempted (it’s a great deal for $1,) but I can make pancakes from scratch with much healthier ingredients and way less sugar.Team Cheerios! As opposed to Team Chex?So many choices. Not pictured: chicken tortilla soup mix and classic cheesecake mix.I was tempted, but I can never stop eating these things.New hot sauces!