Spoonful of Famous

I’ve been thinking about the skewed relationship between famous people and their fans: a singer or a movie star can say something that resonates with you, and suddenly you feel like you “relate” to them back. But it’s not reciprocated – they might affect your life greatly, but they don’t know who you are! I’ll…

Renewal, Cleaning, and the New Year!

I love New Year’s goals! I love the feeling of renewal, of letting go of the old and looking to the new. Here are a few of mine: I’ve had some vacation time during the holidays, and I’ve really had an opportunity to clean up my house! I have gotten rid of two carloads worth…

Rise Above a Bad Moon

The last couple of years have been rough — the rantings and election of a mentally unsound dictator has unquestionably broken my heart. But in these past few years I’ve learned strength, and how to act normal in rough situations. I can rise above, and not let it affect me. Don’t get me wrong, when…