Dollar Tree Dining #38

This week, I’m sharing randoms: The pumpkin m&m looks terrified. Hot chocolate at Dollar Tree! These cookies were tempting. Miniature beef jerky. Three bites! This cornbread is oddly fantastic. The Dollar Tree meatballs are ubiquitous in our house. I didn’t say they were a favorite. Cornbread, chili, and meatballs, oh my! This is my $3.00…

Dollar Tree Dining #37

This week, I’m profiling some healthy food options at Dollar Tree. Dollar Tree offers lots of frozen vegetables. They also have steam-in-the-bag asparagus, but I’m not a fan of the stinky pee I get from asparagus. They also sell several frozen fruit varieties. Canned fruit is also an option, and none of these varieties have…

Dollar Tree Dining #36

I went to a Dollar Tree that was as big as a full-sized grocery store. The store was huge! I didn’t even walk through the whole store because I ran out of time. I found a few fun items: I’ve never seen this recovery powder at Dollar Tree before. Xtend costs $29.99 at GNC! It’s…

Dollar Tree Dining #35

Yo, Dollar Tree, you have way too many seasons going on at once: Is it spring? No! It’s not even summer. It’s fall! But, is it fall? Or is it winter? Why is Christmas seasonal decor for sale already? These fun Hallmark birthday cards were originally $3.89, but they are for sale for only $1.00!…

Dollar Tree Dining #34

I went to Dollar Tree, and there was so much meat! Real meat, fake meat, everywhere, meat, meat! They even had vegan fluffy meat! I wanted to try these, but I was too far from home to get them home in the heat! They had a WALL of beef jerky. Any flavor you ever could…

Dollar Tree Dining #33

Dollar Tree has both Halloween and Thanksgiving decor for sale. There are so many options for $1.00. You can easily make your home appear warm and inviting for the holidays, and your guests will think you spent much more! So decorative! Pumpkins Kisses & Harvest Wishes. Friends & Family Gather Here. This belongs over your…

Dollar Tree Dining #32

I was running around at lunch today, and I stopped by Dollar Tree before going back to the office — it had been awhile since I’d walked the Dollar Tree aisles… I found some pretty great snacks! I haven’t seen these before – high protein, and healthy! I’m not the BIGGEST fan of Wasabi peas,…

Dollar Tree Dining #31

This is supposed to be a humorous blog, but I’m not feeling very funny right now. And when life gets annoying and when people say platitudes, I want to kick them in the teeth. No, it might NOT all work out. And DON’T pray for me, or I’ll prey ON you… So, I went stealthing…

Dollar Tree Dining #30

If you are craving Cheez Its, then go to Dollar Tree. Buy a bag of each flavor, and mix them in a bowl. $4.00 snack mix! It may be terrible, or it may be great. There’s only one way to find out!

Dollar Tree Dining #29

And, it’s dessert time! So many delicious ice cream choices… which one should I pick?! More ice cream?! These look so good. These are great, and for $1, they make a great airport snack! You can get 93 ounces of diet soda for $1! This pudding is excellent. It’s cheap, only 100 calories, and it…