Dollar Tree Dining #57

Today I will highlight two of my favorite foods from Dollar Tree. Are you trying to cut back on calories? These products might help! Product #1: Bear Grahams Cookies. These cookies are my #1 favorite food from Dollar Tree. Not only do you get approximately 18 “chocolaty chip” cookies for only 130 calories, but you…

Dollar Tree Dining #56

After a long hike, we stopped by a Dollar Tree and I found some new and fun items: I’ve never seen Oatrageous oats before. Cute bag, and I’d be all in if I were a fan of oats, but I’m not. With so many healthy options, which one do I choose?! I was hungry, and…

Dollar Tree Dining #55

I went to a giant Dollar Tree store that’s as big as a full-sized grocery store and found some fun food items: These Peppa Pig cookies look good. There are so many cracker options at Dollar Tree! If you want to spend $1.00 on ramen noodle soup, you can do it at Dollar Tree! Uh,…

Dollar Tree Dining #53

I just have a few delights, today! That’s all for Dollar Tree, today, but I have a bunch of upcoming posts:   Fancy taste test comparing the $3.00 Cabernet Sauvignon wine from LIDL, Aldi, Total Wine & More, and Trader Joes.   Another fancy taste test of whole wheat (what my my refers to as…

Dollar Tree Dining #51

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Dollar Tree Dining entry. I went to Dollar Tree and did some shopping today, so I thought I’d share my finds! This looks amazing, and it has no hfcs or icky tomato sauce. I will leave it at work for a lunch emergency. These products are called…

Dollar Tree Dining #50

I have now achieved nearly an entire year of posting about Dollar Tree. This is an end of an era! There is more to the world than Dollar Tree, so I plan on writing about new things. In the meantime, here’s some fun chocolate options. Three kinds of microwaveable pizza. How fun is that! Pop…

Dollar Tree Dining #49

Happy New Year! Trying to satisfy your cravings and lose weight? Here’s some low-calorie options: A few choices if you’re craving fruit. Craving brownies but not the calories? We have choices for you, too! If you’re trying to lose weight after the holidays, don’t eat this. It has 250 calories in like 3 bites!