Gradations of Life

When I was in college, I could be happy listening to music in my room and chilling out. I didn’t need to be doing anything major. Why? I had a big goal: to finish four years of college. It was nice to have forced goals back then; adult life is sort of aimless. Wouldn’t it…

Getting Shit Done

“If you need to get something done, ask a busy person!” For the past few months, I’ve been like, “As soon as I have free time, as soon as I’m not toastmasters president, I will do more stand-up comedy. Right now, I’m too busy.” But shedding extra responsibilities doesn’t mean I’ll focus more on my…

Live Captive Audience

I did “official” stand-up comedy last night. I’ve done 3-4 comedy acts before, but this was my first official comedy stand-up that wasn’t a class showcase, group of family and friends, or in Toastmasters. I’m comfortable in front of an audience of 40, but I wasn’t ready for >100 people! I have over five years…

My Tumblr Page

Check out my Tumblr page: Tumblr is a great website for finding muses and spurring creativity. It’s the antidote to Facebook and the Pinterest for introverts.

With Liberty and Regulation for All

Some people are against any form of regulation. They fear socialism and say things like, “What would the world be like if you needed a license for every single one of your possessions? Your phone, your computer, your books, your clothing, and even your dishwasher?” They worry that you’ll someday need a “card” for everything….

The Metal Beast in your Pocket

This morning, my initial attempts at productivity went astray, as I found myself clicking aimlessly through the 2018 Billboard Awards online photos. Boredom-spurred addictions are not a new thing. In the pre-Facebook, let alone pre-Internet age, there would be a stack of dog-eared magazines in every waiting room. Often the stack was People magazine-heavy, and,…

Political Cheesecake, or Brownies?

In America, I am a liberal. I vote as liberal democrat, but people often tell me I seem more libertarian than democrat. This assessment generally comes from Republicans. People see me as libertarian because I’m an individual, and I do my own thing, not wanting my actions to be dictated by others. I like the…

Comedy vs. Cultural Appropriation

Every once in a while, I get a concept in my head and think about it ad nauseum. Today, I am obsessing on the concept of cultural appropriation. It’s not a fun expression: it’s yucky, and it doesn’t roll of the tongue nicely. It’s especially annoying when it’s overused. A definition of the word “appropriation,”…

Jon Bon Jovi concert

I saw Bon Jovi last night at PNC Arena. It was a lot of fun – lots of people, fun experience, good company, but it was  one of the more boring concerts I’ve attended. Let me elaborate: I was never a big Bon Jovi fan. I am on the younger side of Gen-X, and I…