My Pantothenic Life

How do you fill your days? Here’s all the things I did on my pandemic Saturday!

  • 3:05 a.m. Sh*t, awake. Obsessively think about things I cannot change. Continue this thought process for about two hours.
  • 5:00 a.m. Give up and get out of bed.
  • 5:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m: This is my favorite time of day. Drink 2 cups of coffee, eat 4 pieces of toast, and study (currently taking an online class on neuroplasticity). Write in journal, and think about all the things I want to accomplish.
  • 7:30 am. Wonder how long it’s been since I’ve washed my hair. Not sure what to do – feeling restless. Move belongings around in an attempt to organize house.
  • 9:30 a.m. Workout time! After working out, take a quick shower. Then eat 5 chicken tenders, 6 slices of bread, a big salad, two apples, a large bowl of ice cream, and the remainder of last night’s dinner. Drink chardonnay from the bottle.
  • Boredom sets in. Take a nap, and then try to study. Walk outside and back into the house. Repeat this several times. Stare at yard. At 1:00 p.m., open a session IPA and pour it into a glass.
  • At 1:30 p.m. say, “It’s so nice outside, I should go for a walk.” Go for a walk.
  • 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Bored, but time rushes by. Say, “I should get takeout for dinner!”
  • At 5:30 p.m., Think more about dinner, but feel uninspired. Make a can of soup, but only eat 1/3 of it and put the remainder in the fridge. Turn on the TV, but cannot focus. Feel anxiety, so drink hibiscus tea. Say out loud, “Is this real life?” Read 2 chapters from a YA novel, and pass out at 9:30 p.m. Now you know my life. How do you fill your pandemic days?

1 Reply to “My Pantothenic Life”

  1. I had to look up “pantothenic”. I’m calling the weight gain the COVID 19.

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