Live Captive Audience

I did “official” stand-up comedy last night. I’ve done 3-4 comedy acts before, but this was my first official comedy stand-up that wasn’t a class showcase, group of family and friends, or in Toastmasters.

I’m comfortable in front of an audience of 40, but I wasn’t ready for >100 people! I have over five years of Toastmasters experience, and I’ve taken improv and comedy classes. I might wanna take another comedy class because I need to write more routines! However, when I repeat a routine, it gets better each time.

I’m not trying to get famous. I just want to get good enough to control the audience’s laughter. I have heard you aren’t a comedian until you bomb several times, so I’m working my way through that! Friends who want to get invited: once I’m more comfortable, I’ll start inviting more friends to see me. For now, don’t be offended if I want a more anonymous crowd!

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