Fathom – Reflections from the Dominican Republic volunteering cruise ship

I went on a volunteer cruise last year to the Dominican Republic with Fathom! On this trip, I participated in several projects including soap-making, jewelry making from recycled paper, and forest restoration/planting. On our last day, lounging on my balcony as we approached Miami, I wrote the following:

Reflections from the Dominican Republic:

  1. As a team of volunteers we accomplished a lot, but as an individual I did very little work. Ten laborers could have easily done what 700 American volunteers did last week, and it would have been much more efficient for them.
  2. This means that what I take home with me, my personal change, is more important than what I did when I volunteered in the D.R.
  3. Excellent volunteer coordination is very important for volunteer projects. If all volunteer projects were this well-coordinated, then it’d be much more fun for all volunteers! The volunteer projects on this cruise were perfectly orchestrated and timed, with games, singing, an opportunity to work at several different stations, and always a snack!
  4. The people who work/live in the D.R. don’t get a fun two-hour guided volunteer adventure. They just live their lives, which can be boring. But they all appear to enjoy each other and make life fun!
  5. Storytelling is how you spread information. I took a storytelling class, which was awesome! Storytelling is crucial to spreading your word.
  6. The people are what make the experience.
  7. However, a day of introvert time is amazing. Hence, I walked around yesterday (the last full day on the ship) with headphones on.
  8. When I get home, I need to give up diet soda [editor note – I failed].
  9. I also need to eat more fruit [another fail].
  10. Maybe I could find a way to “give back” in more of my day-to-day activities [I think I’ve improved in this category].
  11. I need to watch Facebook to see what happens with Dominican Wave and Repapel. I need to see if these companies continue. [I don’t think they did].
  12. I can survive without internet access! [lies].
  13. My thoughts and reflections might not be picture-perfect, but they are mine.
  14.  I am more adventurous than some, but not as adventurous as others.
  15. It’s easy on vacation to change your mentality, but it’s harder when back home to reality. Day-to-day life can be boring at times. So Stay Present!
  16. D.R. people are friendly and they see everyone as their family!
  17. Large guided group tours are terrible! Find a way to travel and see things uniquely without being among a mob of tourists. A one-on-one guide may be expensive but the experience may be greater than going on a cheap bus tour.
  18. In today’s world, not hearing the news isn’t stupid, it’s smart.
  19. Turning off “location” on my phone saves phenomenal battery life. Maybe forgetting my personal location (not being a calendar girl) can help me to live in the moment.
  20. I wonder if cruise ships are an environmentally-friendly way to travel? You take up much less space than on land, and boats float. There IS that pesky gasoline requirement… OMG I HAVE 4G LTE OK NO MORE WRITING OK BYE! <3<3<3

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