I had just returned from a long vacation, and there wasn’t much food in my house. I went to Dollar Tree during my lunch break, and I saw these:

Like many items that are found only for a short period at Dollar Tree, these were obviously an overrun – there were too many made, and they weren’t selling at Walmart for $2.50, so the extras ended up at Dollar Tree.

All four options looked really good, but I only bought the Apple Cinnamon Oatcup because I could pretend it was breakfast and not dessert. It only has 250 calories per serving, and all the others have 300 or more calories per serving.
I might not get these again – they are tasty but full of empty calories, and I don’t need anything this yummy in my house — even the Oatcups serve as more of a dessert than a breakfast. But, they were fun to try.

I also bought apple chips that supposedly taste like chocolate. It’s possible that they have a small amount of chocolate flavor, but I can’t taste it. They are good, but they taste like normal apple chips to me!
Oh yum!