Dollar Tree Dining #10

I’d like to share a couple of Dollar Tree adventures from the past few weeks. I’ll start with White Castle. When I was a kid, White Castle was this distant wonderland. When I was maybe 10 or 11, my mom brought me to Detroit to see a Tigers game. On the way, we stopped to get White Castle for lunch. It was my first time there, and my mom built it up the whole way… “this will be amazing, the original slider burgers!” Of course, they are a mini semblance of a burger. But if you’re prepared, then they are pretty yummy!

I didn’t follow the instructions on the package, which instructed one to microwave them. Instead, I cooked them in the toaster oven. They got a little bit burnt. That’s ok, they were still good!

My boyfriend smelled them cooking and took one before I could eat it. Sharing is caring!

My next adventure in Dollar Tree Dining was “breakfast for dinner.”

This box does not serve 5. Maybe 2 hungry normal people.
Turkey bacon is so much healthier than pig bacon! Though pig bacon is amazing.
There was only 320 calories in the entire package and lots of protein!
Hash browns with mushrooms, jalapenos, sausage and hot sauce. We also had turkey sausage on the side. Yum!

This came out so good! I was impressed with the flavor of the hash browns, and they were fun to make out of the carton.

Finally, I’d like to share a snack date we had at Dollar Tree. This was after a 10-mile hike. We were starving! We stopped at Dollar Tree for snacks.

Dollar Tree has great snacks, great variety, and so many healthy options!