Getting Shit Done

“If you need to get something done, ask a busy person!” For the past few months, I’ve been like, “As soon as I have free time, as soon as I’m not toastmasters president, I will do more stand-up comedy. Right now, I’m too busy.” But shedding extra responsibilities doesn’t mean I’ll focus more on my…

Live Captive Audience

I did “official” stand-up comedy last night. I’ve done 3-4 comedy acts before, but this was my first official comedy stand-up that wasn’t a class showcase, group of family and friends, or in Toastmasters. I’m comfortable in front of an audience of 40, but I wasn’t ready for >100 people! I have over five years…

Comedy vs. Cultural Appropriation

Every once in a while, I get a concept in my head and think about it ad nauseum. Today, I am obsessing on the concept of cultural appropriation. It’s not a fun expression: it’s yucky, and it doesn’t roll of the tongue nicely. It’s especially annoying when it’s overused. A definition of the word “appropriation,”…