Getting Shit Done

“If you need to get something done, ask a busy person!” For the past few months, I’ve been like, “As soon as I have free time, as soon as I’m not toastmasters president, I will do more stand-up comedy. Right now, I’m too busy.” But shedding extra responsibilities doesn’t mean I’ll focus more on my…

Driving the Company SUV

I drive a stick shift Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. I freaking love that vehicle more than anything. She’s a step below the sports car version and she has these adorable low-profile tires that only need to be replaced about once a year… I almost would call the car sporty, but no car wants to be referred…

Falling Nose over Toes

Today I’m going to talk about a word that I’ve heard a little too often lately: AwKwArD. I first heard the word used to describe somebody back in 2010 when I was talking to a British friend, but the word has quickly become very commonplace in the states. In old Norse it’s “afugr,” or turned…

The Metal Beast in your Pocket

This morning, my initial attempts at productivity went astray, as I found myself clicking aimlessly through the 2018 Billboard Awards online photos. Boredom-spurred addictions are not a new thing. In the pre-Facebook, let alone pre-Internet age, there would be a stack of dog-eared magazines in every waiting room. Often the stack was People magazine-heavy, and,…

The Clash Between Qi Gong and the Nefarious Neck Waddle!

Many people get into Qi Gong for for emotional healing, or to feel more peaceful. I discovered Qi Gong because of… my neck waddle. To put it simply, aging is terrorizing my face! To combat my neck waddle and chin droop, I started doing facercize (face exercises). Facercize involves exercises that ideally strengthen your facial…

Comedy vs. Cultural Appropriation

Every once in a while, I get a concept in my head and think about it ad nauseum. Today, I am obsessing on the concept of cultural appropriation. It’s not a fun expression: it’s yucky, and it doesn’t roll of the tongue nicely. It’s especially annoying when it’s overused. A definition of the word “appropriation,”…

Bike Riding on Greenways

Yesterday, I went cycling with a small group of folks. It was my first long ride this year – 36 miles. It was mostly on the greenways – Raleigh has these fantastic greenways, and I don’t understand how I ever had the chutzpah to ride on roads back in the day… I got my first…

A Terrific Compliment

I just found a wonderful spot to sit by a river.  First I parked behind a country bar named The Longbranch, and then I climbed over a fence in my sundress and sandles, and walked down the Greenway until I couldn’t hear the noise from the bar anymore.  Then I climbed through a bunch of…

On Maintenance

We have a gender imbalance in this country – Maintenance. No, not car maintenance or home maintenance.  Boys have the upper hand in the repair department, and I hate it.  I could take a class at a community college, improve my knowledge about fixing up my house, but I’m too lazy.  I can’t fix things.  Boys hammer things and…