Spoonful of Famous

I’ve been thinking about the skewed relationship between famous people and their fans: a singer or a movie star can say something that resonates with you, and suddenly you feel like you “relate” to them back. But it’s not reciprocated – they might affect your life greatly, but they don’t know who you are! I’ll…

Maybe it’s Time for a Bonfire!

I have been thinking recently about originality – how can I be an original thought provoker, and not just a consumer of content? These thoughts have been motivated by a recent purge – I have been getting rid of possessions, and when I came upon a pile of my old journals, I wasn’t sure if…

Words Spoken Into an Empty Coffee Mug

Hello, friends! A friendly recently posted the following question: “Do you have an inner monologue?” My response? “Not anymore!” These days, I listen to podcasts a lot of the time… For me to slow down, to hear that inner monologue, to think, to reflect, is very rare. Today, I made dinner quietly, without someone else’s…

An Easy Way to Get Smarter

I forgot to blog for several weeks — I had to be reminded that I even have a blog! I wanted to talk a bit about concentration. A friend, last night, said that she’s been having a hard time concentrating and thinking. I’ve had similar issues for several years. This is partially because I suffer from…

Foot and Mouth Dissociative Disorder

I hate the cliche, “I wear many hats,” because I don’t wear any hats. But I do wear many shoes, and when my shoes talk about me, they probably say that I have multiple personality disorder, aka dissociative identity disorder. My hiking shoes spend lots of time hiking in the mountains. They have the best…

Toast at Brother’s Wedding

This is a wedding toast that I gave at my brother’s wedding last weekend: That’s some amazing birthday party you threw me! Seriously, this is the best birthday present you could ever get me, my bro getting married! Dan and Jenny went on their first date nearly 3 years ago. That’s like 12 years in…


Most cliches don’t make much sense, or they are spectacularly annoying. Today,  I’m going to dismantle several common cliches. If you use a cliche around me, I’ll see you as less credible. Just sayin’. “Don’t Burn Bridges.” Ever hear the cliche, “You can’t go back?” It totally contradicts, “Don’t Burn Bridges.” Just don’t say either…

Low-Maintenance vs. Bang-ability

I found an amazing hairstylist! I’ve received more compliments on my hair in the last six months than in my entire life. But my bangs are still a constant struggle! I got my hair cut on Tuesday. Afterward, despite the pouring rain, my hair was perfect! But the next day, my ponytail look with bangs…