Low-Maintenance vs. Bang-ability

I found an amazing hairstylist! I’ve received more compliments on my hair in the last six months than in my entire life. But my bangs are still a constant struggle!

I got my hair cut on Tuesday. Afterward, despite the pouring rain, my hair was perfect! But the next day, my ponytail look with bangs was… well… sloppy. I see these perfectly banged people walking around, and I want to look like them. But bangs take effort! Perfect bangs are hard to maintain. 

I returned to the salon yesterday, and she tweaked my bangs. Now I look amazing. A fresh bang trim takes years off my face! A sloppy bang look, sadly, can add 20 years to my face.

But three weeks from now, my bangs will be scruffy, yet again. Bangs are so difficult to maintain!

I am a high-maintenance woman in so many ways… I would fall apart completely if I didn’t maintain my hair, my makeup, my skincare, and my workout routine…

Where would I be if I discontinued the maintenance? Middle aged? Middle-aged is “technically” mid-thirties to mid-fifties…. You are young until about 35, and then you descend into middle-aged.

When I hear the words, “middle aged,” I think of someone who has fallen: fallen looks, fallen fashion, fallen brains. Not cute. 

For the next three weeks, I will have excellent bang-ability. But what about after that? Will I again be demoted to scruffy?

Sometimes I have the temptation to just stop the maintaining. It works in movies… the gorgeous actress puts on three pounds of water weight, and then watches TV in sloppy sweats with a little smudged mascara, surrounded by empty ice cream containers. Depression looks so glamorous in the right lighting.

But I don’t wanna be glamorous. I wanna slob out until it’s not hot anymore. In a movie, that would still look hot. 

All I’m trying to say is this: I have great bangs now. My bang-ability index has reached its full potential. Try me again in another 3 weeks.


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