Travels to Middle Earth’merica

A week ago, I traveled to middle-Earth’merica. I half-expected hobbits to yell at me for walking on their land! For the week, I was allowed to say “pop” instead of “soda.”

I drove through Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri, which means I’ve now visited 47 of the 50 states. I saw the World’s Largest Ball of Twine in Cawker City, KS, and even met an old man who helped start rolling the giant ball back in the 1950’s:

 the W

I saw the World’s Largest Czech Egg in Wilson, KS:







And the World’s First Pizza Hut building in Wichita, KS:





And the Keeper of the Plain’s Statue in Wichita, KS:







I visited three state capitol buildings: Topeka, KS; Des Moines, IA and Lincoln, NE. Here’s the one in Des Moines:





I also saw Dale Watson in concert at ZooFest at the Zoo Bar in Lincoln, NE. This is him singing with the beautiful Celine Lee!







On the 4th of July, I watched Fireworks in St. Joseph, MO with what seemed to be all 70,000 residents in one parking lot, and I actually heard someone yell ‘Murica!!! un-ironically. That city had a spooky downtown with these beat-down old industrial buildings, but there was a small arts district with cool murals:





That’s all for now. Thanks for visiting!

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