Getting Shit Done

“If you need to get something done, ask a busy person!”

For the past few months, I’ve been like, “As soon as I have free time, as soon as I’m not toastmasters president, I will do more stand-up comedy. Right now, I’m too busy.” But shedding extra responsibilities doesn’t mean I’ll focus more on my projects. I am more likely to fill that extra time with exercise and TV than with my life goals. 

I should take another stand-up comedy class. I should do open mike stand-up comedy acts like once a week… I should write more…. I should, I should…

Recently I did a 4-minute stand-up routine in front of like 100 people. My timing was off. Coincidentally, on The Jordan Harbinger Show podcast, I learned what separates the average comedian from the great is the ability to never, ever get affected by the audience. Even if they boo you, you still do a fantastic routine. I, unfortunately, am a chameleon to the audience – if they tell me I suck, I suck worse. I need to work on that. 

Last Sunday was the end of my year-long stint as the president of my Toastmaster’s club. I have become a better person by surviving this. I have challenged myself by speaking in public, and leading various groups. I can survive and thrive in front of most crowds, if I plan for it.  

I used to be primarily a follower. Now, I am leading things! I am planning a craft night for a self-development group. I’ve tried stand-up comedy, improv comedy, I led a a “brunch speed” cycling group, and I volunteered at a financial literacy camp for kids. I even asked my boss for a new job title! He said no, but at least I had the nerve to ask!

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