Be a Volunteer!

One of my goals in 2020 is to volunteer more often.

I don’t volunteer much. Here’s why:

  1. I don’t like boring volunteer shifts where I sit around watching the clock.
  2. I don’t like long volunteer shifts. An ideal length of time is maybe 1.5 hours. After that, I get antsy.
  3. I don’t want to be too cold, too warm, or too uncomfortable in my spare time.

Here’s some things I’d like to find in a volunteer opportunity:

  1. I want it to be productive and short – I want to get a lot done in an hour or two.
  2. Maybe once a month, with flexible hours.
  3. Fun and active, not just sitting around.
  4. I’d like to use my notary public for a good cause.

I’ve volunteered a bit in the past year, but I’m looking for more opportunities. They seem to be hard to find. Additionally, some volunteer positions are harder to apply for than a paying job!

My goal is to volunteer about 24 times in 2020, maybe 40 hours total. Wish me luck!

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