Saving Paper Planet

My I am passionate about saving the environment, but I’m a terribly wasteful person. I can think of thousands of things I’m doing wrong, but right now I’m going to list what I’m doing right. Here are some things I’m doing to help the environment:

  • I barely get any junk mail. Every time I receive a catalog in the mail, I email the company and tell them to stop sending me junk mail.
  • We don’t have children.
  • My car gets decent (not excellent) gas mileage. I would like a more fuel-efficient car, but the next best thing is to keep driving my current car for a long time. My next car will likely be a hybrid.
  • Currently, I’m a vegetarian.
  • I live pretty close to work. It would be better if I could bike or bus to work, but I can’t.
  • We don’t get a newspaper. But then again, nobody gets a newspaper.
  • I eat at home most of the time. Usually, I make my own coffee. I use the Keurig at work, which isn’t great. At work, I do have a reusable Keurig filter. I should bring in my own ground coffee and use it!
  • We don’t have a huge house, and we try to keep lights off when we’re not in rooms.
  • We keep the house at around 78 in the summer and 68 in the winter.
  • I got rid of Amazon Prime. I still get boxes delivered to my house, but not as many as before.
  • Our home doesn’t sport a Christmas tree, and we don’t decorate our house with holiday lights (a big waste of electricity.)
  • We started having no-turkey Thanksgiving dinners.

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